The Grey Cloak

Цена 12.80 - 14.81 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781612036212


Страниц 336

Год выпуска 2012

Форма выпуска 152x220

Sixteenth century France was an exciting and turbulent setting for the story of The Grey Cloak. It was an especially good time to be alive if you were young, handsome, rich, titled and highly regarded by the French Court. The Chevalier du Cevennes was all of those, but he was about to discover that everything could change in a matter of minutes.First the Chevalier is banned from Paris, and then a falling-out with his father leaves him penniless...and worse. He takes ship and sails to the North American continent, New France. In Quebec he drops his title and is known only as Monsieur du Cevennes.Adventure follows adventure, and this story has more twists and turns than the back alleys of Paris. Can love be in Monsieur du Cevennes future? Will his title and fortunes be returned to him? Will he be reconciled with his father? The answer to these and many more questions will be found in the The Grey Cloak, a novel torn from the pages of history.