El Fiel Testigo Bautista

English: "Dr. Phil Stringer has made a tremendous contribution to the Baptist by writing this volume, "The Faithful Baptist Witness." First of all, it is a valuable resource for the local church. Secondly, it is a compendium of information that is thorough enough to make it useful as a text on the subject of Baptist history for any college classroom. Finally, it is written to persuasively advance the idea that we should unashamedly be, and remain, Baptists! Read this book for all it is worth, then pass it on to everyone that you know." Spanish: "El Dr. Phil Stringer ha hecho una formidable contribucion a la causa Bautista al escribir el volumen, "El Fiel Testigo Bautista." En primer lugar, es un valioso recurso para la Iglesia Local. En Segundo lugar, es un compendio de tan cuantiosa informacion que puede ser utilizado como Libro de Texto en nuestros colegios para la clase de Historia Bautista. Finalmente, esta escrito para avanzar, de una manera persuasiva, la idea de que debemos...