A Description of Millenium Hall

Цена 10.69 - 22.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781438521787

Брэнд Book Jungle


Страниц 184

Год выпуска 2009

A Description of Millenium Hall And the Country Adjacent Together with the Characters of the Inhabitants and Such Historical Anecdotes and Reflections As May Excite in the Reader Proper Sentiments of Humanity, and Lead the Mind to the Love of Virtue was written by Sarah Scott (1723 - 1795). In 1762,Scott published her novel, A Description of Millenium Hall. From Wikipedia, "The book takes the form of a frame tale and a series of adventures, as each resident of the female Utopia relates how she arrived at Millenium Hall. The adventures are remarkable for their reliance on a nearly superstitious form of divine grace, where God"s will manifests itself with the direct punishment of the wicked and the miraculous protection of the innocent. In one tale, a woman about to be ravished by a man is saved, literally by the hand of God, as her attacker dies of a stroke. The Hall the characters live in is a model of mid-century reform ideas. All the women have crafts with which to better...