The Mountaineer Volume 3-4

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1910 Excerpt: ...adjoining, for the use of the public as a park. An active campaign will be carried on with this object in view and all other organizations interested in preserving such beauty spots to the public, are urged to cooperate. Charles M. Fabrer, Secretary. Your Auditing Committee has compared the financial accounts of the Secretary with his vouchers and find the comparison to be correct. The accounts show $181.66 received and $65.70 expended. The balance of $115.96 is in the hands of the Treasurer. Respectfully submitter, Chas. Albertso.n, C. G. Clark, Harry B. Lear, Auditing Committee. To the Board of Directors of The Mountaineers:--I submit the following report of the finances of the Glacier Peak, Lake Chelan Outing: Receipts from the outing $2,641.25 Bills receivable 3.75 Total...