Sphero 2.0
Цена 114.99 USD
Sphero 2.0 is here and it’s faster, brighter, and smarter than ever. That’s not all –we’re also rolling out brand new accessories including ramps and protective Nubby covers to pimp your ride. Sphero 2.0 has been completely re-engineered from the ground up to give you an entirely new gaming experience. It’s kind of like Einstein and C-3PO had a baby. Powered with new AI Superdrive capabilities, Sphero 2.0 is unreasonably fast, reaching speeds of up to 7 feet per second. That’s twice as fast as the original and only slightly slower than a Lamborghini. Trust us, this thing hauls. And just like a racecar, every aspect of the internal robot has been re-configured for optimal performance, including a more efficient drivetrain and lowered center of gravity. With new multicolor LEDs, Sphero 2.0 is 3x brighter than before. You’ll need sunglasses to make sure the brilliance doesn’t blind you. Powered by induction charging, Bluetooth connection, and upgraded firmware, Sphero 2.0 will change the way you play. - See more at: http://www.gosphero.com/discover/#sthash.M3rEc4n2.dpuf