Magic in the Woods

Magic in the Woods By Gareth H. Browning This fascinating book about the familiar trees of our own country-side is intended to prove that there is still magic in the woods even in these days when science has ousted the old legends and superstitions which grew up around trees in the days of the old. Mr Browning has related many of these ancient stories whilst giving expert information regarding the growth, flower, leaf and fruit of all England"s principal trees. Contents Include: - A Chapter of Surprises - The Life Story of a Tree - The Oak - The Ash - The Beech - The Wych Elm or Scots Elm and the Common Elm or English Elm - The Horn Beam - The Lime - The Sycamore - The Plane - The Birch The Alder - The Goat Willow or Swallow - The Hazel - The Black Poplar - The Aspen - The Horse Chestnut - The Wild Apple - The Hawthorn - The Mountain Ash - The Wild Cherry - The Elder - The Holly - The Yew - The Larch - The Scots Pine - The Spruce Fir