Waterfall to Agile - A Practical Guide to Agile Transition
Цена 19.08 - 29.04 USD
As Agile continues to grow in popularity, more organisations are experiencing the pain and frustration associated with any attempt to move from traditional to Agile software development practices. And although that pain often leads to the realisation that success with Agile requires more than simply knowing how to do Scrum, Kanban, or any other methodology, the problem remains that there is a shortage of readily available information on how to create the organisational and cultural change essential to the success of Agile projects. Until now . . . . . . because in this book you will discover proven agile transition strategies that will give you a competitive advantage, more influence and greater control over your career, including: How to get senior management, colleagues, and customers to 'buy' into Agile The art of "Stealth Agile" and how to use it to create organisational changeHow to avoid the common Agile mistakes that could cost you your job and reputation The three personality types key to the success of any Agile transitionHow to deal with resistance to Agile software development Which Agile transition strategy is best suited to your organisational size and culture How to build effective Agile teams by modelling on the United States Marine CorpsAnd more . . . Used by the world's top Agile experts to successfully transition organisations from Waterfall to Agile, these proven techniques and strategies will also give you greater job security, quicker ...