At the Crossroads

Цена 35.96 - 59.85 USD

In 1996, only five African countries had internet connectivity. In 2001, all the countries on the continent had connectivity, and in the early part of the twenty- first century, Africa has experienced the fastest rate in growth of internet usage in the world. Yet this is only part of the story. To date, Africa remains the least connected continent in the world, and registers some of the greatest disparities and inequalities in access to ICTs. The digital divide is still very much a reality. The contributors to this volume provide invaluable information on the development and use of ICTs in Kenya and East Africa. Specifically, they raise questions about ICT policy and implementation, the respective roles of the public and private sectors, and the application of ICTs in government, education and various industries. Based on empirical research, the authors demonstrate the considerable progress that has been made in the region to promote ICT initiatives and projects as part of the wider...