Rainbow Countries of Central America

RAINBOW COUNTRIES OF CENTRAL AMERICA The solitary sentinel of Mayan civilization. This Stela at Quirigti Guatemala, is one of the most beautiful aboriginal sculptures in America PREFACE FEW travelers find their way to the rainbow countries of Central America. Few books have been written about them. Yet they are the most accessible, in time and comfort, of all the unspoiled lands of the world. They are, too, countries where destiny, today, sits on national doorsteps, while tomorrow seems sure to see them not only the goal of tourists, but also centres of new and startling political and commercial develop ment. They have outgrown in slow yet charming years the era of Spanish colonial ease and wealth, and have forgotten, but for superb monuments hidden in their jungles, the time when one of the greatest Indian em pires and cultures of old time thrived there. The Indian life of native village and modern plan tation, and the heritages of mediaeval Spain that sur vive everywhere, form a...