Календарь 2013 (на скрепке). Джорджия О"Киффи

Цена 7.09 - 13.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780764960826, 9780764960833

Брэнд Pomegranate (Cal)

Издатель Pomegranate Books

Страниц 12

Год выпуска 2012

Форма выпуска 305x325

This is a Mini Wall Calendar. While the trip Georgia O"Keeffe took to New Mexico in 1929 expanded her vision to include adobe churches and vast, color-saturated hills and mesas, she had forged a distinctive style a decade earlier. Flowers, landscapes with simple built forms, and still lifes all appear among the paintings she produced in the early 1920s. As the years slipped past, O"Keeffe embraced a more abstract approach to presenting elemental forms. The 12 works reproduced in this compact calendar speak a poetic and a visual language that have become part of American life.