Northland Heroes
Цена 9.18 - 10.68 USD
For centuries the songs of Homer, the blind poet of Greece, recounting the heroic deeds of the great Hector and lion-hearted Achilles, have delighted the children, young and old, of many lands. But part of our own heritage, and nearer to us in race and time, are these stories of Beowulf and Frithiof (Fridtjhof). The records of lives nobly lived are an inspiration to noble living. With the hope that the courage, truth, endurance, reverence, and patriotism shown by these heroes of the Northland will arouse interest and emulation. This little book is offered to our young adults and children. "The Story of Frithiof" is based upon Holcomb"s translation of Bishop Tegner"s poem, "The Saga of Frithiof" which charts Frithiof"s and Ingeborg"s undying love for each other and the lengths Frithiof had to go to, to eventually win her hand. If ever a story was to teach the young about perseverance and endurance, this is it. The epic Beowulf was written in England, but is set in Scandinavia. It...