A Room in Chelsea Square
Цена 15.29 - 29.75 USD
"[Nelson"s] style is swift and straightforward, his narrative gift considerable ... Consistently diverting, this may be the novel about homosexuality to end all novels on the subject .. . [W]ill make many a reader"s day." - Julian MacLaren-Ross, Punch "Talented, amusing ... the story is told with sustained suspense: the various men in it are not merely types, but flesh and blood, even if one wishes that Patrick had never been born." - John Betjeman, Daily Telegraph "Odiously funny and delightfully unwholesome ... a distinct relief after the ponderous treatment homosexuality has tended to get in some recent novels." - Sunday Times "[S]harp, witty, malicious ... wonderfully developed in the best Machiavellian tradition." - Malcolm Bradbury, New York Times Book Review "Classic high camp." - Books and Bookmen Patrick, the book"s opening line tells us, is "very, very rich". He"s also single, and he has his sights set on Nicholas Milestone, a...