Say Something Happened
Цена 7.24 - 31.00 USD
The Social Services Department of the council ispreparing a register of the elderly in the area andeager but green June Potter (recently transferredfrom Transport) is despatched to gatherinformation while obtaining some hands-onexperience. Mam and Dad are in their sixties andtherefore must be in need of registering - but Mamand Dad, perfectly ' alert', able-bodied andstreetwise, have no intention of being registered.~Thrown by Mam's no-nonsense approach theincreasingly desperate June resorts to MrFarquarson 's detailed notes on Conduct ofInterviews while Mam sorts her out. This highlycomic, ironic look at patronizing bureaucracy wasfirst televisied in 1982 starring Thoro Hird, Hugh Lloydand Julie Waiters and is now available for thestage.