Mash-Up! How to Use Your Multiple Skills to Give You an Edge, Make Money and Be Happier
Цена 8.69 - 17.25 USD
The days of being defined by a single job title are vanishing. The future of business is project-based, rather than role-based, and the people who will thrive in this kind of economy are labeled by Fast Company as "Generation Flux". They are adaptable, multi-talented people with "a mind-set that embraces instability, that tolerates - and even enjoys - recalibrating careers, business models and assumptions". Authors Ian Sanders and David Sloly show readers how to "mash-up" their full skill set to create the work life they want. Along the way, they introduce an army of "mashers" who are already making the most of their multiple interests and skills. Interviewees include Worldwide CEO of Saatchi and Saatchi Kevin Roberts, entrepreneur, film-maker and Grammy-award winning musician Dave Stewart and a long list of mashers whose plural careers include running a spice trading company, writing a biography of Florence and the Machine, founding a famous series of "ideas" lectures,...