Raising Rabbits Indoors

Цена 13.47 - 17.15 USD

This is the ultimate guide on raising rabbits indoors with the most current, up-to-date facts and references you need to be prepared as a house rabbit owner. This handbook will get you started with a solid foundation of information on house rabbits, but even if you"ve kept bunnies for 20 years, there"s always more to learn, which for many rabbit enthusiasts is just one of the reasons they love their long-eared companions so much. You will find information on getting started with raising a rabbit or bunny indoors, such as breeding, lifespan, indoor rabbit habitat, training, behavior, rabbit hutches and cages, litter box and leash tips, ARBA show standards and BRC Breeding standards, and a list of breeders by breed for the USA, relevant web sites, as well as a list of breeders for the UK and Canada. There is literally a rabbit out there for just about anyone willing to learn how to care for them, physically and emotionally, which is the point of this book. Bringing any pet into your...