How to Make Coffee: Coffee beans, roasting coffee, espresso, iced coffee, other coffee recipes and coffee health

Цена 8.99 - 20.96 USD

Real coffee is so popular these days that you can find it on just about every street corner. There is no doubt that we have some fantastic cafes that really add to our lives. It is therefore unfortunate that most of us end up drinking the instant stuff when we get home. If you want to have that real coffee experience at home then this book is for you. You get real tips on how to select coffee, where to buy it and how to prepare it. If you want to enjoy gourmet coffee at home then look no further. How to make coffee gives the genuine benefits of making real coffee at home. It explains where coffee is produced and how the origin and processing of the beans can contribute to the unique flavors of different coffees. The book details all of the equipment that you need to make great tasting coffee and how you can enhance your experience by buying and using machines such as coffee grinders and roasters. The differences between the various methods of preparing coffee are detailed as well as...