Tossed to the Overgrowing Years

Цена 8.99 - 14.18 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781847482723

Брэнд Athena Press


Страниц 48

Год выпуска 2008

Come with the author of this delightful mix of poetry and prose to observe the eternal beauty of the world of nature, and ponder the uncertainties and tensions of human life. Share in his delight as he lies in the grass, gazing up at the clouds, which look like ships at sea. Imagine the barn owl with its "wide, perceptive eyes", hunting in the gloaming. The wayside flowers, the silver birch, the robin and the hare - all are viewed with a fond familiarity. Yet who can deny the passing of time? "Gone too soon, too many springs." And who has not experienced regret at summer"s end, when, "after a moment"s glow", the leaves die and fall? But despite the "overgrowing years", the author keeps his sense of fun, which above all makes this slim volume so entertaining.