Ben Lucifer"s Gospel According to MR Demos

Цена 15.95 - 24.32 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781847486691

Брэнд Athena Press


Страниц 152

Год выпуска 2009

Sent from Down Below by the Infernal Father, Ben Lucifer"s task is to cause as much trouble as possible for the long-suffering Reverend Simon Peterson, vicar of the small English village of Chilford. Fortunately, in the arrogant and overbearing churchwarden, Mr Demos, the non-conformist Mrs North, the gossiping Miss Rufflett and the pompous and hypocritical Mr Worthington, he has much to work with. While the vicar, unaware of who is really behind the divisions and conflicts in Chilford, carries on his ministry, regardless of the obstacles placed in his path, our devilish diarist records his misdeeds, to be submitted to, and approved by, his superiors Downstairs.