Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon (Burton & Swinburne in)

From the winner of the Philip K. Dick Award 2010AFRICA, 1863.SIR RICHARD FRANCIS BURTONAN EXPLORER, A LINGUIST, A SCHOLAR, AND THE KING"S AGENT OR IS HE A PUPPET BEING MANIPULATED BY FORCES HE CANNOT UNDERSTAND?A RACE TO FIND THE SOURCE OF THE NILE!ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNEA FAMOUS YOUNG FLAME-HAIRED POET, THRILL-SEEKER, AND FOLLOWER OF THE MARQUIS DE SADE. FOR HIM PAIN IS PLEASURE, AND BRANDY IS RUIN!BACK TO WHERE THE ADVENTURE BEGAN!It is 1863, but not the one it should be. Time has veered wildly off course, and moves are being made that will lead to a devastating world war. Prime Minister Lord Palmerston believes that by possessing the three Eyes of Naga he"ll be able to manipulate events and avoid the war. He already has two of the stones, but he needs Sir Richard Francis Burton to recover the third. For the king"s agent, it"s a chance to return to the Mountains of the Moon to make a second attempt at locating the source of the Nile. But a rival expedition led by John Hanning...