Serenity: Firefly Class 03-K64: Volume 3: The Shepherd"s Tale

Цена 11.75 - 14.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781595825612

Издатель Dark Horse Books

Страниц 56

Год выпуска 2010

Форма выпуска 175x265

Shepherd Book, one of the most beloved characters from the cult-hit television show Firefly, is an enigma amongst the vagabond crew of the starship Serenity. A devoutly religious man bent on doing good, Book has-on occasion-revealed himself as a skilled, fierce fighter when circumstances demand it. Who was Shepherd Derrial Book before he took his message of salvation to the stars? Who was he when he learned to fight without pause, without remorse, and with a blinding fury? And how did he find God in a bowl of soup?