Learn to Play Country Guitar (Music Bibles)

This hardcover book with internal wire-o binding is 6.5in x 8in is a perfect size for readers to keep handy and reference often. The stylish design of the book, along with the interior photographs, illustrations and diagrams, make the learning process simple and fun for beginners. The book also includes an audio CD for examples and accompaniment.Learn to Play Country Guitar starts with the basics like how to hold the guitar, how to tune it up and start playing, and take the student to a playing level with sufficient skills to join a band. From hybrid picking and double stops, to twang techniques and country licks—discover everything you need to know to create that unique country guitar sound. The book contains a 30 illustrated lessons, and a buyer"s guide which lists the essential beginner accessories and equipment to get you started. If you"re owing to teach yourself, you"ll need an engaging, easy-to-understand tutor, and that"s exactly what you"ll find in the Learn to Play: A...