LIFE The Day Kennedy Died: Fifty Years Later: LIFE Remembers the Man and the Moment

Fifty years ago on November 22, 1963, in Dallas"s Dealey Plaza, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated while traveling in a motorcade with his wife, Jacqueline. LIFE magazine, the weekly pictorial chronicle of events in America and throughout the world, was quickly on the scene. The Kennedys had been our story: Jack and Jackie made the cover in his sailboat before they were married and he was a fresh-faced senator from Massachusetts, and the White House doors had remained open to LIFE throughout his presidency: Cecil Stoughton"s photographs of Caroline and John-John in the Oval Office, Jackie"s tour of the renovation, tense behind-the-scenes moments during 13 days of the Cuban Missile Crisis-all of this appeared in LIFE. We needed to be in Dallas. The famous Zapruder film first appeared in LIFE, after being acquired by LIFE"s Richard B....