1037 GMAT Practice Questions

If you need to know it, it's in this book. Practice makes perfect, and 1,112 Practice Questions for the New GMAT, 2nd Edition aims to give you everything you need to do just that. This edition of our practice-packed prep book has been revised and updated for the next generation GMAT debuting in 2012, and includes: - 1 full-length diagnostic text - Multiple drills for the new Integrated Reasoning section, including 100 practice questions covering each of the new question types: table analysis, graphics interpretation, multi-source reasoning, and two-part analysis - 55 additional math and verbal drills - Math drills broken down by subject type, including algebra, arithmetic, geometry, statistics, and more - Verbal drills broken down by question type, including sentence correction, reading comprehension, and critical reasoning - Detailed answers and explanations for every question