Lands and Peoples of the Bible
Цена 6.97 - 29.25 USD
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CONTAINING FORTY-EIGHT FULL PAGES OF ILLUSTRATIONSFROM PHOTOGRAPHS, AND A MAPTHE substance of the following chapters was deliveredin lecture form to a class of young men and womenduring the winter of 1913-14. A few minor additions andcorrections have since been made, but the bulk of thematerial remains as originally delivered. The volumeis now published in the hope that Bible students, andpossibly teachers of Bible classes, may find it useful inthe way of providing a background upon which toproject the Scripture narrative, and of enabling thereader to form some conception of the great lands andnations with which the Chosen People had to deal. Воспроизведено в оригинальной авторской орфографии издания 1923 года (издательство "The Macmillan Company").