At abbey road (1963-1966)

Цена 4.68 - 9.19 USD

book24.ru4.68 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 632427186625, 724349345126, 766484361029

Брэнд EMI Records (UK)

Производитель Capitol Records/emi-Rodven S.A

Страна производитель Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of

Вес 100 гр

1998 EMI release featuring 28 tracks digitally transfered at24 bits resolution, processed using Sonic Solutions NoNoise technology and mastered to 16 bit for CD using Prism SNS Noise Shaping. Includes hits, B-sides, rare tracks and the previously unreleased tunes 'Down In The Boondocks' and 'Listen'.