
Цена 14.38 - 25.99 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780061735325

We live in a toxic world where nearly everything we consume and absorb are loaded with chemicals. These chemicals, alone or in combinations, interfere with the processes that our body needs to perform to maintain health and vitality. In many cases they cause symptoms that are then diagnosed as diseases for which more chemicals are prescribed, thus perpetuating or worsening the situation. We plan our work, we plan our vacations, we plan our retirement and some of us even plan our funerals. But very few of us plan our wellbeing. It is no wonder most of us are sick and have to end up at the doctor's office where our symptoms are treated with more chemicals, or surgery, causing further frustration, suffering and disease. Like Global Warming, this awareness is only now beginning to dawn on us, and is still ignored or denied by traditional western medicine. Dr. Junger calls it 'Another Inconvenient Truth'. "Clean" offers a comprehensive, safe and medically proven program to neutralize and eliminate these toxins, and that can be done in the midst of your busy life.