Europe at war
Цена 9.70 USD
book24.ru9.70 USD
Providing coverage of one of the most costly and vicious conflicts in history, this tile assesses the impact of World War II on Europe. The author charts the major military campaigns of the war and analyses its social and economic effects on the countries involved, particularly Nazi Germany and the USSR. Important events and methods of fighting are given coverage, including Germany's military objectives and the Allied response; the impact of Blitzkrieg; the fall of both Poland and France; the Battle of Britain; and the subsequent turning of the tide with Allied victories in North Africa and the invasion of France. The Eastern France and the closing events of the war from D-Day to the fall of Berlin are also fully examined. In addition there is coverage of life in Nazi-occupied Europe and the conduct of war. The study guides provide a firm basis for answering source-based and essay questions.