Navigating the Glass Labyrinth of Web Development. A Study of Standardization and Localization Web Practices of Higher Education Institutions

Цена 44.27 - 111.33 USD

book24.ru44.27 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783838318196


Вес 110 гр

Страниц 68

Год выпуска 2010

Форма выпуска 152x220

Recently, the Internet has become a new and exciting method of information exchange. Unfortunately, it has also become the most ambiguous medium to measure effectively. Many Web developers miss the overall understanding of how Web sites could be more successful and beneficial for the users. Essentially, they miss the opportunity to use the Web as a public relations tool. This is especially true for institutions of higher education. Even when institutions use various public relations methods they are not guaranteed successful Web ventures. Therefore, research must be done to understand how the Web can be used more effectively to build relationships through information exchange between institutions and their various constituencies. This study will focus on one constituency in particular: prospective students. By understanding the various Web strategies currently being used to communicate with prospective students and how, from the students' perspectives, these strategies contribute to their impressions of the institutions as a whole, this research study will delve into this much needed area of investigation.