The Importance of Being Earnest (+ CD)

INTERACT WITH LITERATURE offers a wide range of original literary texts from intermediate level upwards (unabridged short stories or extracts from novels, as well as complete unabridged plays) from English-speaking countries, designed to introduce students to the world of literature. The aim of these volumes is to familiarise readers with the language of literature and encourage them to formulate their own response to what they read. Each volume concentrates on a particular theme, genre or literary current. Activities by Kenneth Brodey ‘To lose one parent, Mr Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.’ Ever since its debut on February 14th, 1895, The Importance of Being Earnest has been a literary and theatrical success. The brilliance of the witty conversation never ceases to delight and entertain. However, beneath its dazzling ironic humour, there is a deep vein of social criticism of Victorian society. This intricate mix of comedy, absurdity, ambiguity and social criticism makes The Importance of Being Earnest Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece. Book + CD