Nuevo espanol sin fronteras 3. Libro del alumno

Цена 16.91 USD

book24.ru16.91 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788497781695


Издатель SGEL

This is a revised and updated version of the previous Espanol sin Fronteras . It presents a three-level course: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced adapted according to the CEFR: A1-A2, B1-B2 and B2-C1. It is aimed at young and adult learners. It offers around 80 class hours per level. It is a renewed and updated edition. Nuevo espanol sin fronteras encourages students to work out new activities for themselves, thanks to a communicative, moderate and flexible course. It provides selective context and situation descriptions, as well as the necessary grammatical structures, vocabulary and sociocultural references. It follows a balanced methodology where linguistic and communicative competences are developed. Contents are carefully graded according to the functional and communicative criteria. It offers texts with numerous and varied language models and an integrated practice of the linguistic skills. It includes a section of self-reflection about the language and grammatical structures. Each level comprises of five elements: a student book, a student book CD, an exercises book, the exercises book CD, and The Tutor Guide .