Headway Academic Skills 3. Listening, Speaking, and Study Skills. Student's Book

Цена 12.10 - 22.54 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780194741583


Издатель Oxford University Press

Вес 314 гр

Страниц 104

Год выпуска 2011

Форма выпуска 275x220

Headway Academic Skills can be used independently, or alongside a general English coursebook such as New Headway or New Headway Plus. Designed for students moving on to academic studies or for those on a foundation programme, the series focuses on improving students" academic skills by: -Developing the specific skills required for academic studies through a wide range of topics relevant to higher education. -Exploring strategies to help students with new vocabulary, and to record, vary, and build their vocabulary. -Offering guidance in undertaking research, and in acknowledging sources. -Providing plenty of guided practice as well as freer practice to encourage learner independence.