Lunch with the FT: 52 Classic Interviews

From the very first mouthful, "Lunch with the FT" was destined to become a permanent fixture in the "Financial Times". The formula was deceptively simple: a conversation-cum-interview over an agreeable lunch. Good food was essential, preferably washed down with a decent bottle of wine to elicit insights and the occasional indiscretion. There have now been more than 800 lunches, featuring presidents, playwrights, tycoons, filmstars, monks and more than the occasional oddball. Inevitably, lunch - like the FT - has evolved. In the age of the smartphone and still or sparkling water, the FT has accommodated the busy lives of the rich, powerful and self-important by agreeing to a breakfast, tea or the occasional sandwich. But even modest fare can produce scintillating copy. Here are 52 of the best - an international who"s who from the arts, business, politics and science. They meet our famous test: FT journalism must not only inform but also delight readers.