Silver Lining: My Journeys from Tragedies and Hardships to Miracles and Triumphs
Цена 8.95 - 16.02 USD
Are you really going to let those hardships and tragedies in your life overcome you and "swallow you whole"? What if I showed you how my personal circumstances have so frequently been so devastating, yet I remain a very optimistic and cheerful person? Would you give me the opportunity to try to persuade you to do what it takes to get through those tough times and be even stronger so that you"ll be able to overcome the next obstacle that gets in your way? Inner strength better enables us to successfully get through those tough times. With each hardship and tragedy in my life, namely neglect, my brain surgery and its aftermath, my own victimization, the victimizations of both of my daughters and those aftermaths, court battles, death, trauma, etc., I gained more strength. This strength enabled me to cope with whatever life had to throw at me. It"s been my dream to write my memoir, but it"s also been my dream to try to help others by sharing what I think it takes to be capable and...