The Stress-Free Pregnancy Guide

While there is perhaps no happier time in a woman’s life than the first few months of her pregnancy, it can also be stressful. Expectant mothers naturally worry about everything. Are the symptoms they are experiencing normal? Are they eating right? And most important, is their baby all right? The Stress-Free Pregnancy Guide dispels myths and puts mothers’ endless worries to rest with a healthy dose of reassuring and reader-friendly advice based on renowned obstetrician Carol Livoti’s 30 years of experience in private practice. Expectant moms will discover exactly why their bodies are experiencing certain changes, what else to expect, and how to recognize any rare but real problems should they occur. From before conception through the postpartum period, the authors lead women through every step of their pregnancy with sound, practical medical advice. Filled with useful sidebars that help separate fact from fiction, and delightful anecdotes from Dr. Livoti’s own practice, The...