Ultimate Putting: How to Master the Art of Putting

Цена 12.97 - 25.94 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780963509710


Страниц 118

Год выпуска 2012

Ultimate Golf Putting by Bob Cisco is the complete golf putting book. The book contains key fundamentals, tips, and golf lessons on putting including putting grips, stance and alignment data, and how to create FEEL and discover just the right stroke for your putting game! Cisco is a master golf instructor and putting expert who has worked with top amateurs and pros on tour on their putting helping them putt great and win more tournaments. His players on all tours won over 50 events with such improved skills with the putter. You can too. Many of his golf students and clients from his school of golf say he is by far the best golf putting coach in the US today and have had incredible wins from his feel method to great putting. Become more confident in your putting as he reveals his master putting and short game system and techniques of the pros to all golfers in straight-forward golf tips in this concise amazing new book on putting. Proven techniques on classic putting styles to the...