Patagonia Chronicle: On Foot in Torres del Paine
Цена 12.82 - 33.60 USD
Patagonia Chronicle: On Foot in Torres del Paine enables readers to gain a sense of the rewards and challenges of travel south of the 40th parallel in Chile and Argentinaa??in the area known as Patagonia. Through a combination of journal entries, interviews, historic documents, and essays on subjects unique to the region, the reader samples the richness of the land and its peoples past and present. In addition, readers will find a wealth of practical information including tips on pre-trip planning, transportation, and accommodations. The book is for anyone contemplating a hike in Chilea??s most famous park. Hikers en route to Torres del Paine will benefit from the detailed park information. Theya??ll find descriptions of the accommodations, trekking routes, and trails as well as maps, time and mileage charts, suggested itineraries, and a trail elevation profile. However, Patagonia Chronicle is more than a guide to trekking in that spectacular park: it casts a much larger net. As...