One Hundred Names

- The thoughtful and unique new novel from the phenomenally popular author. Kitty Logan is a journalist who has just made a colossal mistake on a story, which puts her career on the line and sends her personal life into turmoil. Feeling at an all time low and in need of some guidance, she visits her terminally ill mentor, editor and friend. Kitty asks Constance what story has she always wanted to write but never got the opportunity to? Constance instructs Kitty to retrieve a file from her office and bring it back to her in hospital. However, when Kitty finally returns with the envelope, it"s too late. Constance has passed away. When Kitty opens the envelope, she finds a list of names: one hundred names. There is no synopsis, no explanation, nothing else to explain what the story is or who these people are. The story is simply a mystery. Kitty embarks on the biggest story of her life, seeking out and meeting as many people on the list as she can to hear their stories, uncover Constance"s own story, and, importantly, rediscover herself and the magical gift for storytelling.