Christmas Beneath the Lake: From the Adventures of Bob the Bullfrog

Цена 7.12 - 36.86 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781432779160

Брэнд Outskirts Press


Страниц 26

Год выпуска 2012

What if you found yourself tucked away in a place where you didn"t think Santa Claus would ever find you? That can be a sad thought. Some people grow up in homes with three fireplaces above ground and know definitely Santa will come. Bob the Bullfrog and his family are not quite as lucky. One cold, Christmas season, his family is stuck at the bottom of a frozen lake and doesn"t know how Santa will find his way through the thick ice and snow to get there. Christmas Beneath a Frozen Lake is a story about how Santa never forgets "his children," no matter where they might be on Christmas Eve, even if it is at the bottom of a frozen lake. On Christmas Eve, Bob experiences a true Christmas miracle, one that he cannot share with anyone except his mother.