Fiction: Live at Folies Bergere (DVD)

Цена 11.47 - 24.98 USD

book24.ru11.47 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 5099962866897

Брэнд Virgin Classics

Производитель UMG Supply Chain Ltd

Страна производитель United Kingdom

Вес 100 гр

Год выпуска 2011

Форма выпуска DVD

Pierre Colombet, the quartet's leader, explains that: "As an ensemble we try to be as broad in our repertoire choices as possible. Genres like pop and jazz are often overlooked by the classical world because classical music is so intelligent, but when other musical genres are played really well they can also reveal treasures. This is why it is important for us to play jazz and other styles of music for a classical audience - because it introduces them to something new; and equally jazz and pop audiences can discover that classical instruments are capable of different sounds. Our jazz-playing also helps to inform our classical performance. It enables us to look at the score from a different perspective and to see classical music as a kind of improvisation. We like to be as free as possible in our performance and for every concert to be slightly different."