21st Century Residential Landscape Design

- In "21st Century Residential Landscaping", Chelsea Flower Show gold medal winning landscape architect Dean Herald takes the reader through the steps involved in transforming your residential landscape, covering gardens, decks, patios and courtyards; outdoor cooking, living, dining, lounge and fire areas; and swimming pools. Using a selection of projects Dean has personally worked on, he offers invaluable advice on such topics as innovation and use of materials, how to overcome or work around challenges posed by difficult or constraining sites, how to use space in a way that best suits the environment, how to practically approach the "form vs. function" debate, how to create a family-friendly garden, and how to best connect the indoors with the outdoors. Packed with great ideas and inspirational projects from one of Australia"s most awarded landscape architects, "21st Century Residential Landscaping" will help transform your garden dreams into a reality.