The Perfumed Garden (5 CD)
Цена 52.23 - 52.59 USD
"Factory", "The Eyes", "The Syn", "Nimrod", "The Smoke", "The Birds", "Shy Limbs", "The Game", "Frame", "Mandrake Paddle Steamer", "French Revolution", "Vamp", "The Syndicates", "Sands", "Tintern Abbey", "The Craig", "Open Mind", "Kult", "The Eyes", "The Poets", "Ace Kefford Stand", "Rupert"s People", Тэйн Рассел, "Three", "The Deviants", "Fleur De Lis", "In Be Tweens", "Uglies", Глен Асинс, "The Trojans", Гари Лидс, "Les Goths", "Drag Set", "Accent", "Longboatmen", "Miller", "Les Goths", "Shyster", "Majority One", "The Groundhogs", "Herbal Mixture", Пит Салли, "The Orchard", "Adams Recital", "The Cedars", "Wolves", "The Actress", "Reign", Барри Мэйсон, "Boeing Duveen & The Beautiful Soup", "Andwellas Dream", "Serendipity", "Rupert"s People", "Flies", "Joint", "Blonde On Blonde", "Magic Mixture", "Tucky Buzzard", "Timebox", "Simon"s Secret", "Please", "Orang Utan", "Arcadium", "Flaming Youth", "Monument", "Five Day Week Straw People", Джон Маклафлин, "The Animals", "Arzachel", "The Deviants", "July", "Pacific Drift", "Camel", "Bulldog Breed", "Wynder K Frog", "Aynsley Dunbar", Вил Мелоун, "Dear Mr. Time", "Complex", "Twink", "Eyes Of Blue", "Dogfeet", Брэм Стокер Диски упакованы в картонные конверты и вложены в картонную коробку. Издание содержит 52-страничный буклет с фотографиями и дополнительной информацией на английском языке.