Иствуд об Иствуде (на английском языке)
Цена 43.76 - 79.90 USD
book24.ru79.90 USD
Actor, producer, composer and director, Clint Eastwood defies categorization. Rigorously reassessing himself with each new project, his work continues to evolve and develop in unexpected directions. From the outset, Eastwood"s performance in Sergio Leone"s "Dollars" trilogy conjured up the iconic figure of the silent mercenary, while the "Dirty Harry" films redefined the crime genre. In 1971 he turned to directing with Play Misty for Me. Working his way up step by step, Eastwood has gained unanimous recognition from audiences and critics alike. "Today", Eastwood explains, "I do what I want to do and the way I want to do it. It took me some time to get there". Eastwood on Eastwood, which is the fruit of a nearly thirty-year-long collaboration with Michael Henry Wilson, traces this development. Eastwood engages in question-and-answer sessions with lucidity and precision. How did the star of Sergio Leone and Don Siegel"s cult films arrive at the decision to become a director? Why...