Exploring Maths: Tier 2. Home Book
Цена 9.53 - 10.26 USD
book24.ru9.53 USD
Exploring Maths Longman"s new key stage 3 Maths course, Exploring maths, has been developed by Anita Straker and her team to help you deliver the new Programme of Study and the new Framework. With lessons that embody the very best teaching approaches, Exploring maths helps you integrate recent changes into your teaching, with: activities for all the new teaching objectives; high priority given to process skills and applications; cultural and historical roots of mathematics; functional skills integrated throughout The Home book. Each lesson has an optional corresponding homework task, providing either a consolidation of class work, or as preparation for the next lesson. Each task includes a reminder of the points the pupils should have learned in the lesson, with examples provided where necessary.