Into the Grey

Цена 12.75 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781847171641

Брэнд O'Brien Press


Издатель O'Brien Press

Год выпуска 2009

- "The scream was awful - a horrible desolate cry... the child led my unresisting brother up the path and further into the tangled garden. Out of my sight". My name is Patrick Finnerty. I am fifteen and I"m losing my brother. A ghost is stealing him away. I know how crazy that sounds. But my brother, my twin, is going to die; I"m watching him die. No one else can see what"s happening. What can I do? The answers seem to lie within the memory of a dream - between this world and the next. Within The Grey. But I don"t want to go into The Grey. I don"t want to. I"ve seen what it"s like!