Celtic Decorative Art: A Living Tradition

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780862785987


Издатель O'Brien Press

Год выпуска 2000

- This title presents an illustrated history of the Celts and their Art by Mairead Ashe FitzGerald. Decorative arts in the Celtic culture are world-renowned for their beauty, intricacy and depth of meaning. Among the most famous examples are illustrated manuscripts such as "The Book of Kells". This new book uses many of the ancient sources as inspiration, but brings a personal, modern interpretation to the motifs, creating new and exciting patterns and designs which will both inspire and encourage readers. Part one presents history of Celtic Art from ancient times to today. It is illustrated with photographs and drawings of weapons, manuscripts, silver and gold objects, embroidery and murals. Part two features new designs in lavish colour and black & white inspired by Celtic beliefs, traditions and decorative sources. Subjects covered in this title include: infinity, love, trees, birds, fish, animals, and water. It describes sources of inspiration, practical uses and symbolic significance.