Critical Intertextuality. New Theory for Social Action in the Classroom and the World

Цена 53.44 - 134.95 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783639087345


Вес 230 гр

Страниц 136

Год выпуска 2008

Форма выпуска 152x220

- This is a critical ethnographic study highlighting the students of an exemplary multicultural educator who uses critical pedagogy with first and second grade students. The theory of critical intertextuality for social action is developed for teachers based upon previous theories in sociolinguistics, critical pedagogy and education. It is also derived from close observations of a highly successful elementary school teacher with a history of grassroots community organizing. This synthesis of existing theory, coupled with examples from the "Peace Class," result in a hopeful study that has implications for teacher preparation programs, professional development and all committed to social justice issues in education. It is meant for an academic audience and yet it extends and includes important scholars work that can be used by teachers in classrooms from the elementary to the university level. For teachers who want practical stories and user friendly theory to address social inequity and work for peace in a demographically changing world with fewer boundaries, it is an inspiring book of hope for our collective human future. Внимание! На данный товар не распространяются ни оптовые, ни накопительные скидки. Эта книга будет изготовлена в соответствии с Вашим заказом по технологии Print-on-Demand. Print-on-Demand - это технология печати книг по Вашему заказу на цифровом типографском оборудовании.