Holocaustizing Bosnia. How the Holocaust Analogy Conditioned the Journalistic Discourse on the 1992-1995 Bosnian War

Цена 44.16 - 64.00 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783639059786

Вес 159 гр

Год выпуска 2008

- The journalistic coverage of the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina employed a discursive strategy that equated the events and the main protagonists of a complex civil war with a re-enactment of the Nazi Holocaust. Aiming to discover just how widespread was the use of the Holocaust analogy in the journalistic coverage of the conflict and what was its nature, this monograph analysed The Guardian and the Daily Mail in two important weeks of this conflict: August 7th-14th 1992 - the week the Serb prisioner camps were exposed - and July 13th-20th 1995 - the week of the infamous Srebrenica massacre. In the end, we argue that while its overwhelming presence made the Holocaust analogy the dominant discursive strategy on the war, its direct adoption by some of the journalists writing the stories made it the unequivocal way to interpret the Bosnian conflict. Внимание! На данный товар не распространяются ни оптовые, ни накопительные скидки. Эта книга будет изготовлена в соответствии с Вашим заказом по технологии Print-on-Demand. Print-on-Demand - это технология печати книг по Вашему заказу на цифровом типографском оборудовании.