Inventors and Their Bright Ideas

Цена 3.35 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780439981095


Издатель Scholastic

Год выпуска 2002

Dead Famous You’ve probably heard of a few inventors and their bright ideas…Alexander Graham Bell and his telephoneGeorge Stevenson and his Rocket (which was really a train)John Logie Baird and his television.But did you know that…Bell didn’t invent the phone, but he did make a weird machine out of hay and a human earStevenson didn’t invent the train, but he did spend a lot of time collecting gas in bladdersBaird’s telly was useless, and so were his thermostatic socks?Yes, even though they’re dead, inventors are still full of surprises – and you can meet ten of history’s barmiest bright sparks in here!