Classic Design Styles

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780847824069

Издатель Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup)

Год выпуска 2001

- In Classic Design Styles well-known author and interior designer, Lady Hennrietta Spencer Churchill turns her attention to the history of American and European classic interior design traditions including: Victorian, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Federal Style, Queen Anne, Georgian, Colonial, Empire, and Arts & Crafts.Opening the doors of private homes she decorated in America and Europe, Spencer-Churchill takes us on a room by room tour of one spectacular house decorated in each style. She explains in detail the theory and methods behind the look, how to interpret traditional styles for your own home, and the enduring value and allure of each. Illustrating how to work with an existing room, Spencer-Churchill includes a section on architectural and furnishing details including floors, windows, fabrics and paints. Lavishly illustrated with examples of period styles as timeless and popular as they are diverse, Classic Design Styles is sure to join Lady Henrietta"s other decorating books as a perennial favorite.