Full House

Цена 5.32 - 7.99 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780312983277


Издатель Macmillan Publishers

Страниц 352

Год выпуска 2002

Форма выпуска 105x170

Originally published in 1987 by Evanovich under the pseudonym Steffie Hall, "Full House"--her first paperback original--is bigger and better. Nick Kaharchek senses danger when he sees Billie Pearce, a divorced mother of two who is the epitome of stability--everything Nick has always avoided. Their fateful meeting leads to a story filled with seduction, mayhem--and love everlasting. Original. Filled with Evanovich's trademark style and wit, "Full House" is romantic suspense with a twist... Her life was pleasant, proper, and predictable-- until he showed up and trouble moved in... Polo instructor Nicholas Kaharchek senses danger the minute he sees Billie Pearce. She represents everything he's so artfully avoided. Happy in her home life, a divorced mother of two, Billie is the epitome of stability. They have nothing in common. To his horror, Nick is fascinated-- and irresistibly attracted. When Billie generously offers to share her home with Nick's crazy cousin Deedee for a while, Nick finds himself visiting-- often. And while each is slowly seduced by the other's charms, and both are wildly encouraged by devious Deedee, Billie and Nick find out that what they have in common is most important of all. But neither one knows that danger is lurking where they least expect it and a killer is closing in on them. Sneak peek of "Visions of Sugar Plums" inside